Self Expression: Part 1

I see humans as we are, individuals. All of us are here for different reasons, and each one of us are unique. Over the years society has become more open to individuality, but there are still issues. In the past, society has been a bully. When I was younger I always felt I had to look, dress and talk a certain way to fit in. When in reality I was designing myself to be something I wasn’t. It took me time but I have learned that I do not have to be what society tells me I should. If I can step out of my box so can you.

Self expression is a way of life. When you walk through life not expressing your true self, are you really living? We as humans have become accustom to following the path that society has built. Now in our world men must be masculine, women must wear makeup to be pretty and so on. But I think this is all a load of crap. The thing about it is, we should live by what we feel is right and not what others say.

Magazines show us what is in style for the season and what is not. In actuality, if it works for you, make it your style. Don’t let the photoshopped models make you think you need to look or dress like them. In your life do what makes you happy, and try not to waste your time worrying about what others think. In this life, wear what you feel and love what you feel. Even in times of darkness, love it because the rough patches make us stronger.

In my work I promote self expression. I began creating jewelry for myself. I did not have the heart to get rid of the scraps from my batik work, so I began creating jewelry. I never felt I belonged, so I created jewelry that helped me express my alienated feelings. Yes I still feel I’m living in the wrong era, but I am displaying that through my hippie style. I design my work as something that will stand out. When you feel different let it out. Create your style anyway you desire. For example, when thrifting I don’t go looking for fashion I would find in a magazine I go searching for apparel I feel is me. If this helps even one individual feel more comfortable in their own skin, I will jump for joy.

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